Volume discounts
2-5 licenses - 10%6-10 licenses - 20%
11+ licenses - 25%
Free for educational and non-commercial projects.
Single Developer License
Each individual developer requires a separate Single Developer License as long as he or she needs access to Allatori's files. One license may not be shared or used concurrently by more than one individual developer. The license includes free email support, updates and upgrades for 12 months.
Site License
Allows to share or use concurrently Allatori files by any number of individual developers inside the company that purchased the Site License, but in borders of a single company office/location only (location would normally be defined as a single building, but could be considered as a number of buildings within the 30 miles geographical location from the main office of the company that purchased Allatori). The license includes free email support, updates and upgrades for 12 months.
Business License
Allows to share or use concurrently Allatori files by any number of individual developers in all company offices around the world. No geographical restrictions are applied to the Business License, only juridical company borders are important. The license includes free email support, updates and upgrades for 12 months.
Annual Support Update
The license includes email support, updates and upgrades for 12 months.
Information for Educational and Non-Commercial Projects
Educational and non-commercial project developers may be eligible to receive Allatori Obfuscator for free. Contact our
to find out.